Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Japan
Course: Shoe Making
Program: Master Course
Period: Sept. 5,2016-Apr. 28,2017
I worked in Japan for about 10 years but my former job had nothing to do with shoe making. I simply liked leather working as a hobby. I used to make small items such as leather wallets on my days off. For this past 2 years, I studied every week at a shoe making school in Kobe, Japan. I totally enjoyed the process of how my idea became actual shoes, so I kept making shoes on weekends even though I was tired from my weekday’s work. It takes a long time to make 1 pair of shoes, but I just love the shoe making process itself.
I quit my job 1 year ago and decided to come to Florence to study shoe making. I took Italian lessons for 4 months from this May, and I am now taking shoe making lessons in Italian. There is so much I need to learn now, but I hope to enjoy this learning experience.
Dec. 08, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:Masami Ishizuka, ShoemakingReporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 12-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
It has been 3 months since this course has started. This week, we are finally starting to learn the hand stitching of the soles. Out of various stitching methods, we started off with the Goodyear method.
Because we will be sawing the sole, we have to perform the lasting a bit differently. Prof. Angelo showed us how to stitch using one of my pair. And boy, he finished it so fast! I worked with another one of my pair as I refer to the finished work of the professor.
Prof. Angelo did the shoe in the back, and I did the one in front. They look as if there is not much difference, but they are totally different if you take a very close look. Prof. Angelo perfectly knows how to put nails into the right places and to the right depths. It makes me realize that I must work harder to improve my skills.
Now that December has come, Florence is turning into Christmas. Starting today, Christmas market is being held at Santa Croce Square for 3 weeks. I visited the market with my friends from the school.
Everything is so Christmas at the market. There were so many Christmas ornaments and lanterns for people to get ready for the season.
こちらはホットワインの出店です。赤ワインのホットを頂きました。普通に飲むものよりやや甘くて、何より寒空の下の暖かいワインは最高でした!! 調子に乗って3杯飲んでしまいました。一杯たったの3ユーロなのでどんどん進みます。
This is a hot wine stall. A glass of hot red wine I had was a bit sweeter than the normal red wine. I enjoyed hot wines in a cold day so much that I ended up drinking 3 glasses of it. It only costs 3 euro per glass, so it was hard to stop myself.
Beside sweet food stalls, there were hot dog stalls. We chose Polish hot dog stall.
“Our sausage is better than the German one!” they said as they handed me their hot dog. It only cost 5 euro for this size. A juicy sausage in a soft roll was excellent!
This is octopus stewed with white wine. The octopus was unbelievably soft. It makes great tidbits for drinking.
I purchased this wine because it was twice as big as the regular one. It could be the Christmas size. The price was 5 euro for the amount of 1.5L, which is no surprise here in Florence. I would like to drink it with my friends.
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.