Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Japan
Course: Shoe Making
Program: Master Course
Period: Sept. 5,2016-Apr. 28,2017
I worked in Japan for about 10 years but my former job had nothing to do with shoe making. I simply liked leather working as a hobby. I used to make small items such as leather wallets on my days off. For this past 2 years, I studied every week at a shoe making school in Kobe, Japan. I totally enjoyed the process of how my idea became actual shoes, so I kept making shoes on weekends even though I was tired from my weekday’s work. It takes a long time to make 1 pair of shoes, but I just love the shoe making process itself.
I quit my job 1 year ago and decided to come to Florence to study shoe making. I took Italian lessons for 4 months from this May, and I am now taking shoe making lessons in Italian. There is so much I need to learn now, but I hope to enjoy this learning experience.
Dec. 13, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:Masami Ishizuka, ShoemakingReporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 13-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
12月になり大分寒くなりましたが、今週末は友達3人とSan Gimignanoという小さな街に行ってきました。San Gimignanoはフィレンツェから電車とバスで約1時間半のところにあるとても小さい街です。
As December has arrived, it has become very cold. This weekend 3 of my friends and I went to San Gimignano, a very small town about 1.5 hours away from Florence using bus and train.
Although the town itself is quite small, it looks as beautiful as Siena, a World Heritage site. I took this picture from a top of a hill in the town, and I really enjoyed the crisp and clear view.
There are many alleys in this town connecting shopping and residential areas. Some pretty shops can be found in such alleys that often have an empty look. Such surprises made it fun to stroll around in this town.
This high tower represents this town. Although there were more towers in the past, 13 of them still remain and that’s amazing for the size of this town.
ジェラートを知っている人なら必ず聞いた事のあるジェラート屋さんがあります。Gelateria Dondoliはイタリアで最も美味しいお店として有名です。この日は寒いのもあってそんなに混んではいませんが、夏は行列で大変だそうです。
If you know gelato, you must know Gelateria Dondoli, known as the best gelato shop in Italy. Although it was not crowded at all due to the cold weather today, people make a long line to purchase their gelato during summer time.
ここSan Gimignanoには、私の日本人の友達がレストランでインターンシップをしています。のぼるさんが働いているCum Quibusに行くのも今回の旅の目的です。ちょっと雰囲気のいいレストランで、料理もゴージャスでした。
My friend, Noboru, is in his internship at Cum Quibus, a restaurant here in San Gimignano. Visiting him was another purpose for this trip. It was a good restaurant with nice atmosphere, and they served gorgeous dishes.
友達がフィレンツェから来たということで、3品ほどサービスして頂きました! 本当に有り難い。。。こちらはデザートかと思ったら、何と鶏のステーキでした。見た目がケーキですが、とっても柔らかい鶏肉でした。美味しくて黙ってしまいました。
As Noboru’s friends who came all the way from Florence, we had 3 kinds of dishes on the house. This looked totally like a dessert, but surprisingly enough it was a chicken steak! It was so juicy and tasty that I lost my words for a moment.
I spent most of this week for the sawing practice of Goodyear shoe. In the beginning I got threads and needles ready, then practiced Moccasin stitches over and over. It was much harder than I expected.
I continued stitching with 2 needles going across from both sides. Although it’s just a practice, it really made me desperate.
These are the last stitches I made after so many practices. Prof. Angelo gave me his “Well done!” for this work and it made me relieved. I’m supposed to start stitching on the real shoes next week.
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.