Posts Tagged ' Interior Design '

Oct. 08, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Interior Design, Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie)
Interior Design 3-Atelier One-Year 2015
On Monday, we continued to work on our project. Last week, I completed my 3D bookshelf shape. In this photo, I exported the sketchup file to JPG file, so I can continue to work on my project using P… [Read more]
Sep. 29, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Interior Design, Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie)
Interior Design 2-Atelier One-Year 2015
As I continued to work on my bookshelf and after confirmed with professor for the final design shape from last week, this week I start to build them use Sketchup; so I can see a better view in 3D 延… [Read more]
Sep. 22, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Interior Design, Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie)
Interior Design 1-Atelier One-Year 2015
First week of school, professor asked us to design a bookshelf. This photo was my original design, but professor thought it was too traditional, and wanted me to think outside of the box. 開學的第一個禮拜教… [Read more]
May. 08, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 12-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta es la última semana del curso de 3 meses que tomamos Yuki y yo. Imprimimos nuestros proyectos terminados, y trabajamos en un proyecto extra, yo diseñando un bar y Yuki el interior de un departame… [Read more]
May. 07, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 11-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta semana Yuki diseñó el interior de una casa llamada LIMONAIA, y yo diseñé la parte eléctrica de la misma casa. El profesor nos asesoró. This week Yuki made the interior design of a house call… [Read more]
Apr. 24, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 10-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta semana fuimos a visitar una fabrica y un negocio de mármol. Iniciamos el recorrido revisando los tipos de mármol en el mercado, colores, tamaños, etc. También había catálogo de laminado de madera… [Read more]
Apr. 17, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 9-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta semana el profesor nos ayudo a calcular el presupuesto aproximado de nuestros proyectos. Tomando en cuenta todos los materiales y el trabajo para realizarlo. Mientras tanto nosotras trabajamos en… [Read more]
Apr. 03, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 8-Art Short:Spring 2015
El profesor revisando el proyecto final de Yuki Professor reviewing the final draft of Yuki El profesor revisando el trabajo del compañero de diseño industrial Professor reviewing work mate i… [Read more]
Mar. 31, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 7-Art Short:Spring 2015
El proyecto ya casi está terminado, nos encontramos en la etapa de materiales e iluminación. The Project is almost finished , we are at the stage of materials and lighting. Esta semana aprendi… [Read more]
Mar. 24, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design | Tags:
Sofia Pollano, Interior Design
Interior Design 6-Art Short:Spring 2015
Seguimos avanzando con el proyecto, con los últimos detalles para poner materiales. We are moving ahead with the project, with the final details to put materials. Compañeros de diferen… [Read more]